Catherine talks about her journey into motherhood and the type of maternal instinct only mothers can understand, how important it is to be present in each moment with your kids, and how special her rocking chair is to her and her girls. Read more of Catherine’s story below.

First, tell us your name and a bit more about yourself!
Hi! My name’s Catherine DeWoody. I live in beautiful San Diego, California with my husband and two daughters. Outside of motherhood, I work as a Nurse Practitioner. My favorite food is probably a toss up between Mexican food or Sushi. On the weekend, I am spending time with my family and/or friends. Often on the weekends, you will find me horseback riding and going on walks with my family and our dogs.
How many kids do you have? What are their ages?
I have two daughters. My oldest daughter is 2 ½ years old and my youngest is 1 year old.
What has been your favorite stage of motherhood yet? What has been the hardest yet? And is there a stage you’re looking forward to or nervous to reach? Why?
While I loved and will always cherish the sleepy, cuddly newborn stage, I have learned to embrace every stage of motherhood as I have already learned that each stage is truly too short. Each stage comes with its own set of challenges and blessings. With that being said, I would have to say that my favorite stage of motherhood will always be the stage that I am currently in, which is the toddler stage. You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little bit older than they are today. Today is a gift, so enjoy every stage. Relish in the joy of the present.
Tell us about your journey into motherhood. How was the transition from no kids to kids?
Someone once told me, “Once you bring kids into the world, it’s not about you anymore.” The transition from no kids to kids was one of the easiest life changes I have ever experienced because once I met my daughters and truly understood what it meant to be a mother, nothing else mattered.
How do you define your role as a mother? What does being a mother mean to you?
Being a mother is much more than having given birth to a child. It is about knowing and loving someone before you even see them and before you hear their voice. It is a connection that is unparalleled and impossible to achieve in any other relationship. It is a love that grows and has no bounds. It is both a blessing and a gift. It is a relationship that will never end. It is a love that will never die. Being a mother is the best thing I have ever and will ever become.
What about motherhood has surprised you?
The thing about motherhood that has surprised me the most, is how no one can truly prepare you for motherhood, yet being a mother seems to come so naturally. The true innate nature of motherhood is absolutely impossible to describe. It is something only felt and understood by mothers.
We all love a good recommendation when it comes to baby gear! Do you have a favorite item in your baby’s nursery? Tell us about it!
I will always highly recommend both the SNOO Bassinet and the Nanit Baby Monitor!
Think back to the early days with your baby(s), then all the way up to today. Is there a memory in your baby’s nursery that stands out? What is it and why is it special?
We have had the same rocking chair in the nursery for both of my girls. I sat in that chair with both girls after coming home from the hospital. I spent many late nights and early morning feeds in that rocking chair. Through the tears and the smiles, there are so many memories in that chair. To this day, the girls still sit in that rocking chair to read books and to even rock back and forth playing on the chair. While the nursery has slowly morphed into a toddler bedroom, that rocking chair will always remind me of the memories held within the walls of the nursery.
Do you have any words of advice or encouragement for new moms?
Be kind. Be kind to yourself and to your partner. Ask for help if you need it. Always be in the moment with your baby. They grow so fast. Trust your instincts. There is no such thing as the perfect mother. Take a lot of pictures. You will never regret having too many pictures of your kids. No matter what is going on, regardless of tough days and sleepless nights, just know that you are the best mama in the world to your baby. When things get tough, you will know what to do. Trust that, listen to that. You were made for this and you are doing incredible.
And because I have to ask… What’s your favorite thing about the book, Your Nursery Walls?
Your Nursey Walls is a beautifully written poetic story that evokes so many emotions surrounding the first memories of motherhood that are often difficult to put into words. This book is so special for mothers and mothers-to-be as we all strive to find more ways to put our experiences into words and capture the memories of our first moments in motherhood.
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