Building on Faith and Trusting God’s Plan

March 25, 2024

Jamie O’Neal shares her experience going into motherhood as a single mom, how she’s created a nation-wide community of moms who meet to walk together, and how her relationship with God has only gotten stronger because of it all. Read more of Jamie O’Neal’s story below.

First, tell us your name and a bit more about yourself!

Hi, my name’s Jamie O’Neal! I am a 29 year old single mom living in the best place to raise a kid – Orange County, California! I work full time consulting for a variety of companies in marketing and community building, but that’s just how I pay my bills. The real thing that makes me come alive is The Mom Walk Collective! That movement has changed my life and allowed me to find my people in motherhood. Outside of that, I am a sucker for a good coffee shop, the beach, or taking a pilates class!

How many kids do you have? What are their ages?

1 little boy who turns 2 in April!

What has been your favorite stage of motherhood yet? What has been the hardest yet? And is there a stage you’re looking forward to or nervous to reach? Why?

I really love the stage we are in now! My son is a big personality so we spend all day playing and wrestling! The hardest by far was newborn phase. I really don’t remember much due to my severe postpartum anxiety and depression. I cant wait ’til he can carry on full conversations. I am prepared for this loud boy to chat nonstop!!

Tell us about your journey into motherhood. How was the transition from no kids to kids?

My story is a bit untraditional, I started my divorce to my son’s dad after 5 years of marriage while I was 7 months pregnant. So I came into motherhood as a single mom. It was honestly really hard and I had to grieve a lot of what my motherhood journey would look like. But GOD IS GOOD! In the midst of all of this, the lord started The Mom Walk Collective and I found so many incredible women around me to help raise my son and keep me going in motherhood!

How do you define your role as a mother? What does being a mother mean to you?

It’s an honor! Life is truly a miracle and Jesus Christ has truly showed me what unconditional love really looks like while being a mom. I didn’t know what to expect but motherhood is the most humbling, serving and joyful thing of my life. It is hard, but the joy that comes from it it priceless!

What about motherhood has surprised you?

The things that no longer phase me. I really have to pick my battles with my wild boy so I thought I would be such an organized, on-top-of it mom when really I am pretty relaxed. I’d rather have a happy baby than a clean house.

We all love a good recommendation when it comes to baby gear! Do you have a favorite item in your baby’s nursery? Tell us about it!

A great carrier!! Wild Bird, Ergo, Artipope! They are so worth investing in!

Think back to the early days with your baby(s), then all the way up to today. Is there a memory in your baby’s nursery that stands out? What is it and why is it special?

Honestly, this just happened. After living in my mom’s small apartment after the divorce, we just moved out into a house and I was able to give my son his own room! While I was unpacking, I caught him playing alone quietly for the first time EVER! My heart melted!

Do you have any words of advice or encouragement for new moms?

It’s okay to admit it’s hard and you need help! There is no shame in honesty! You are doing amazing!

Thanks so much for sharing your motherhood experience with us! Where can we find you outside of this blog post?

We would LOVE to have you join us for a walk at one of our locations! Find us at or @themomwalkco on instagram!

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